Niger's political turmoil takes a sinister turn as the junta responsible for the recent coup issues a grave warning to the international community. The deposed President Mohamed Bazoum's life hangs in the balance as the junta reportedly threatened to end his life should neighboring countries intervene militarily to restore his rule. This alarming revelation emerged during the visit of U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to the country this week.

Sources indicate that representatives of the junta conveyed this ominous threat to Nuland, a high-ranking U.S. diplomat, during her visit. The sensitivity of the situation prompted Western officials to disclose the information anonymously. An anonymous U.S. official also confirmed the threat, reinforcing the gravity of the situation.

Bazoum, who was overthrown on July 26, claims that he is being held hostage within his residence. The coup has sent shockwaves through the region and beyond, triggering concerns about political stability and the rule of law.

Amidst these tensions, the regional Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) bloc has taken a stand. They announced the directive for the deployment of a "standby force" aimed at restoring democracy in Niger. However, the details surrounding the composition, location, and timeline for this military intervention remain undisclosed.

Leaders of ECOWAS member states convened in Abuja, Nigeria, to address the crisis and chart a course of action. In response to inquiries, ECOWAS Commission President Omar Alieu Touray emphasized that the decisions to deploy a standby force were made by the military authorities of the subregion. While details are limited, he affirmed that financing had been discussed and appropriate measures have been taken to ensure a coordinated response.

As the situation in Niger remains precarious and uncertain, the international community closely monitors developments. The potential consequences of military intervention, coupled with threats against Bazoum's life, underscore the complex challenges that lie ahead in restoring stability and democratic governance to the nation.

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