Controversial Nigerian lawyer and content creator, Ifunanya Excel, has caused ⁠ a stir after revealing her extraordinarily high bride price. ‌

In a recent Twitter post, Ifunanya disclosed that it would ⁠ cost a staggering $15 million to marry her, ​Because she still a virgin.

While speaking to Yangi Media, Ifunanya stated that the leaked photo ⁠ happened by mistake and she is not ashamed of it. ​

Given the chance, she stated that she would have preferred ⁠ if the photo was not on the internet. However, since there was nothing she could do about it, she decided to move on from the incident.

“Well, the nudes leaked and it wasn’t my fault contrary to popular opinion. Because ⁠ people feel like, the way I’m wild, I will go to the length of leaking my nudes maybe for popularity or anything but that was not what happened, honestly. ‍

Given the opportunity, I wouldn't want ⁠ that eventuality to transpire whatsoever. Nevertheless, this is how I perceived it and ⁠ there are no alternatives available to me. Essentially speaking, it portrays ⁠ a picture. Just a picture. It wasn’t a video. I’m sure that many people ⁠ have seen the picture. And funny enough I don’t ⁠ feel ashamed of it. I think the picture ⁠ is super hot. But as I said, it was ⁠ just a mistake.” She said. ​

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