The baton has been officially passed as the former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Boss Mustapha, signed and handed over the documents of office to his successor, George Akume, on Wednesday. The ceremony took place at the SGF office situated in the Three Arms Zone of Abuja, immediately following the arrival of Akume. 

The oath of office was administered by President Bola Tinubu prior to the handover. This event signifies the start of a new chapter in the life of the SGF, as George Akume now assumes the role previously held by Boss Mustapha. 

As shown in the video and photos of the handover ceremony, the atmosphere was one of professionalism and cordiality. Boss Mustapha congratulated his successor and wished him all the best as he assumes the responsibility of being the Secretary to the Government of the Federation. Akume, on his part, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve and promised to uphold the standard set by his predecessor. 

This change of guard brings a fresh perspective and renewed energy to the SGF's office. We anticipate the beginning of a new era where sound policy decisions will be made in the best interest of the country. The people of Nigeria are hopeful that George Akume's tenure will be characterized by growth, development, and progress. 

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